Reza Jafari

Faculty member of the Physics department at Shahid Beheshti University from 2006

Interests: Complex Networks; Statistical Physics; Time-series analyses; Socio & Econo-Physics, Cognitive Science

Educations :

Ph.D. Sharif University Technology, Tehran – Iran, December 2005

MS  Sharif University Technology, Tehran – Iran, 2000

BSc Arak University, Tehran Iran 1998

About Me:

I am a professor of complex systems physics and a member of the faculties at Shahid Beheshti University (physics department and Institute of Cognitive and Brain Sciences) and affiliated at Irkutsk National Research Technical University & Metropolitan London University. In December 2005, I obtained my PhD in physics from Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran. My study focuses on complex networks and higher-order interaction systems, as well as a system with many interacting agents with collective and non-linear behaviors. My research study is not only theory-based, which allows me to gain a deeper understanding of phenomena. I also use real data to analyze and answer specific issues in a system.

Over my 17-year research career, I have accumulated knowledge and done research in theory and pure science, as well as applied data science, network and quantum machine learning, and company-related activities. My experience in international cooperation leads me to believe that I can be successful and efficient in collaboration with scientists at other universities by fostering synergy in scientific and educational promotion. For a long time, my research method has been influenced by complexity theory, network science, and data science. This allows me to interact with academics from different disciplines on a wide range of subjects, including social media and artificial intelligence, as well as some topics in social science, cognitive science, brain networks, and emerging new technologies. Addressing these concerns, in my opinion, is critical to building a fair and just society. Furthermore, I am able to resolve any new issues that arise promptly.

Social media has begun to reform the face of human life. We need to understand how our new societies work.

Positions & awards:

A faculty member of the Physics department at Shahid Beheshti University from 2006.

Resident researcher at Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Tehran – Iran (IPM) 2006 – 2016.

A faculty member of The Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences at Shahid Beheshti University from 2015.

Visiting Research Fellows at the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary 2016 & 2019.

Top researcher award in 2011 & 2021, Department of Physics, Shahid Beheshti University.

Top teacher award in 2015, Department of Physics, Shahid Beheshti University.

Highly qualified specialist, Institute of Information Technology and Data Science, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Russia 2021 – continue

Editorial member of journals:

Frontier in Physics, Frontier in Physiology, Computers, Current Chinese Science, Journal of Neurodevelopmental Cognition

Referee of Journals:

Physical Review Letter, Physical Review E, Scientific reports, Nature Communication, Plos One, Physica A, European Physics Journal B, Social Network Analysis and Mining, International Journal of Modern Physics C, Proceeding of royal science A, IET Signal Processing, Chemical Engineering Science, Modern Physics Letters B, Journal of Engineering Materials, Fractals, the Journal of Risk and Financial Management, Frontier in Physics, Quality & Quantity, Journal of Physics: Complexity, Information Science, Advanced Science, Journal of complex networks, Quantitative Finance, Communication Biology, Mathematics.